To become Member of GOPIO Virginia – Complete the form and send to the address given in the form along with membership dues.
As a member, you can take pride in being a valuable part of the vibrant Indian American community. Your participation will shape the GOPIO, priorities and progress. And you will provide the present and future generations with an opportunity for a prosperous and graceful life. Together we can achieve more of the American Dream.
Membership Plan (Online)
Click the buttons below to fill out the form.
Life Member
Annual Subscription
Offline Process
Download the form and send to the given address along with the dues
Note: Please send this form with a check payable to GOPIO Virginia and Mail to:
Gopio Virginia. 2118 Tysons Executive Ct,
Dunn Loring, VA 22027
What we do
Excellence Awards
The GOPIO Virginia Annual Gala Awards is a grand event to recognize and celebrate the success of Indian Americans for their extra ordinary achievements in Education, Economy, Research, Medical, Journalism, Philanthropy, Community Service, Science and Technology and Politics.
Reach Out Activities
GOPIO Virginia’s reach out work includes securing some benefits for globally spread PIOs. Some of these ongoing benefits are:-Indian Cultural Activities, Medical Camps, Free Medical Assistance to needy, Student Scholarship Program, Donations, Food Drive, Workshops, Celebration of Festivities.
GLOBAL Chapters
Global community of Indian origin has been developed in USA, France, England, Canada, Germany, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Guiana, Trinidad and Tobago, India, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Hong Kong, Singapore, Middle East, Caribbean, Fiji and many more.
Human Rights Corner
The GOPIO Human Rights Commission would engage the participation and support efforts of any and all local Indian and non-Indian organizations and groups, to compile and report all human rights abuses, harassment and any discrimination perpetrated against PIOs and NRIs.